This Easter, Murias de Paredes experienced many moments of coexistence between neighbours who participated in processions, meetings and moments of leisure.
On Good Friday Murias hosted the traditional procession of the Cristo de la Vera Cruz and the Dolorosa, organised by one of the oldest brotherhoods in Omaña, documented since 1800. At the end of the procession the Brotherhood offered the traditional sangria and pastries to all participants.
The «Saturday of Glory» revived the tradition in Murias of the ringing of bells at 12 midnight, which also sounded in Montrondo and which, as in the past, was the starting point for the new generations and their «mischief», which in the past included taking the carts out into the streets.
All the villages of the municipality hosted processions, as is the case of the Nazarene, in Barrio de la Puente.
We would like to thank everyone for their collaboration in the photos and videos taken.
The influx of visitors to La Casona
The holidays meant that La Casona registered a new influx of visitors, attracted by its immersive museographic offer on the attractions of our Biosphere Reserve of the Valleys of Omaña and Luna or the temporary exhibition «Gender Violence and Drifts, on loan from the Provincial Council through the Leonese Institute of Culture.
Video of the procession recorded by Leila Merat Thank you very much!
Ringing of the bells on Saturday of Gloria
Video of the procession recorded by Aída Rodrigo Thank you for sharing it!